Bootstrapping Estimates for Comment Likelihood, Hacker News: EDA II

In my previous Hacker News EDA we looked at how words could be embedded in two dimensions. This time we implement a bootstrapping simulator for seeing the impact of posting time on number of comments received. Examining the dataset To get an idea of what keywords are popular at different times of the day, we… Continue reading Bootstrapping Estimates for Comment Likelihood, Hacker News: EDA II

Solve a Substitution Cipher with a Markov chain

Photo by Mauro Sbicego on Unsplash

There are k! substitution ciphers for an alphabet with k letters—too many for an exhaustive search. With a frequency-based approach adapted to the graph of alphabetic ciphers, we redefine the act of deciphering as a sampling problem suitable for a Metropolis-Hastings random walk. A substitution cipher is thus solvable with a Markov chain. Let’s begin… Continue reading Solve a Substitution Cipher with a Markov chain