The 2023 Dataset

The dataset is a rich compilation of recipes, spanning a wide range of cuisines and styles. It offers a unique perspective on what makes a recipe more than just a list of ingredients and steps. With over 500k recipes, it’s a deep dive into the culinary world, providing data enthusiasts, chefs, and food bloggers an opportunity to analyze and understand cooking trends on a macro scale.

Training a Neural Network for Word Separation

The Hacker News Posts dataset from Kaggle contains an entry for each post made on Hacker News around the year 2016. Hacker News is a social media site where, like on Reddit, users share URLs, write posts, give likes, and leave comments. In this EDA we examine the words used in post titles, identifying embeddings… Continue reading Training a Neural Network for Word Separation

Solve a Substitution Cipher with a Markov chain

Photo by Mauro Sbicego on Unsplash

There are k! substitution ciphers for an alphabet with k letters—too many for an exhaustive search. With a frequency-based approach adapted to the graph of alphabetic ciphers, we redefine the act of deciphering as a sampling problem suitable for a Metropolis-Hastings random walk. A substitution cipher is thus solvable with a Markov chain. Let’s begin… Continue reading Solve a Substitution Cipher with a Markov chain